Historic racing & sports car specialists

Onboard footage from the 1959 Scuderia Centro Sud Cooper Maserati, with William Nuthall during qualifying for Serie B at the Monaco Historique 2014.

Grand Prix De Monaco Historique 2014

INRacing are currently working flat out preparing the cars for this years Monaco Historic Grand Prix.

The picture above shows the team from a few years ago, as a taster – we will update the website with new pictures when we return!


VSCC Spring Start Silverstone 2014


VSCC Spring Start Silverstone 2014

Race Retro 2014


 INRACING will be exhibiting at Stoneleigh Park RACE RETRO 2014 on stand B16, Hall 2.

Exhibited on our stand will be a Cooper Bristol race car, Jaguar E-Type,  Metro 6R4 Group B rallycar and unveiling of a recently restored Lancia 037  Group B rally car.

We’d love to see you so feel free to pop down for a coffee. Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd Feb.

Legend Fires 2014 North West Stages Rally

Team Saunders and Hart at the Legend Fires 2014 North West Stages rally in the Subaru Impreza Pro Drive N10.

Blackpool 7th – 8th February 2014.

Photographs courtesy of Pro-Rally Photography.

Metro 6R4 Legends Rally – San Marino Italy October 2013

Another overseas event for team Saunders & Hart, and the Unipart Metro 6R4 Legends Rally in San Marino Italy.

Invited as one of the cars in the Legends Demonstration Field, we were looking forward to 4 Friday night time stages, plus a further 10 stages on Saturday and Sunday in day light on closed roads in the Principality.

This time our group of approximately 20 cars ran in front of the Legends Rally which had many notable drivers taking part including Didier Auriol, Miki Biasion and many others from the 1980’s Group B era.

Another superb event!

Metro 6R4 Eifel Rallye Festival July 2013

Metro 6R4 Goodwood Festival Of Speed July 2013

The 20th Anniversary of the Festival Of Speed turned out to be a really successful event for Team Saunders and Hart in the Unipart MG Metro 6R4 C96 KOG. Their second consecutive annual outing at the FOS and the car ran faultlessly during the weekend, even in the 30 degree temperatures that prevailed each day.

Unfortunately, due to the extreme dry weather conditions, the course deteriorated from day one, with several deep pot holes and badly rutted areas – which resulted in Saunders/Hart damaging the lower front bumper section on the car and the underbody guard got a real pounding! Despite this a really good event all round.

On the Saturday the Metro was reunited with its original co-driver Neil Wilson, who signed the navigator door pocket.

The Metro is currently owned and driven by John Saunders, co-driven by Tony Hart.

For Sale – Bristol 100 B2 Engine – Rare 6 Port Head

For Sale – Used Bristol 100 B2 race engine with rare 6 port cylinder head, complete with carburettors.

Built by the original TT Workshops.

For further information and pictures, please contact

info@inracing.co.uk or call (+44) 0115 978 4148.

If you click on this image you will see more information and photographs.

For Sale – Bristol 100 B2 Engine

For Sale – Used Bristol 100 B2 engine complete with Solex Carburettors.

 From ex Cooper Bristol race car.

For further information and pictures, please contact

 info@inracing.co.uk or call (+44) 0115 978 4148.

 If you click on this image you will see more information and photographs.